Fate or Faith?
Happy New Year!
As we usher in 2023, I’d like to share something I’ve seen people post about and heard them say out loud.
Well, admittedly, it’s something I’ve uttered myself, too, a number of times already.
It’s how we’ve said, whether quietly to ourselves or out loud or on social media: “Dear (specific year), please be kind!”
When I hear others or catch myself saying this, I chuckle.
I think it’s funny because of how we personify the years. It’s as if they have the power to determine and assign fortune and challenges to our lives, pretty much like how the Fates are depicted in Greek Mythology.
I am not one to judge.
In fact, I truly understand where we come from when we say this.
It’s only natural for all of us to wish for good things, the best things to happen in our lives.
We want to excel in our pursuits and be admired.
We want to be blessed with a comfortable life and build a substantial fortune while we’re at it.
We want to be strong and healthy.
We want to find love and be loved.
Moreover, we… the entire world… are all just beginning to recover from a very challenging three years, to say the least!
So, no one in his or her right mind would want to wish for or surrender to the opposite!
Yet, we all know that’s not how life works.
Yes, some of us will be blessed with a “good” year and receive what we desire and pray for, while some will face challenges and tough times like financial loss, problems at work or with a client, misunderstandings and conflicts within the family, illness, or losing a loved one.
I definitely do not intend to dampen the New Year cheer in the room.
On the contrary, I’d like to talk about something that goes beyond cheer when it might have already faded and left as the days go by.
It’s the joy I have because of the faith that I profess.
First of all, I am confident I can talk to Jesus, the God and Master of my life.
Who else better to ask for blessings and graces, right? Not the years or months.
Secondly, as there’ll really be ups and downs, happy and sad times, good days and bad days, I’m consoled and guided by my faith that Christ’s love will shine through whatever season of our lives we find ourselves in.
And, for sure, He has a plan for each one of us–plans for us to prosper and grow!
Just like the Mysteries of the Rosary, I realize that God, out of His love for us, has gone through all of the seasons in life with us and for us.
Thus, He’ll be there for and with us whatever happens.
He promises us a glorious “happily ever after with Him” no matter whether we find ourselves in the ups or downs of life.
We are all assured!
That, for me, is what true happiness means.
Again, I wish all of you a prosperous, joyful, peaceful, yet most of all, a faith-filled year ahead!
Happy New Year!